12.1 C
Πέμπτη, 13 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
ΑρχικήUAVSchiebel awarded new RPAS contract with EMSA

Schiebel awarded new RPAS contract with EMSA

Schiebel has been awarded another multi-year service contract for the Camcoptr S-100 Unmanned Air System (UAS) with the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). The contract is for service provision with Remotely Piloted Aircraft Services (RPAS) for supporting EU member states in emission monitoring and maritime surveillance operations.

For the third time in a row, Schiebel has been awarded a tender with EMSA. In 2018, Schiebel signed its first contract to support European coast guards and maritime authorities, followed by a second contract in 2021. The now newly awarded contract spans for up to four years – two fixed years with an option for an additional two years.

Since 2018, the S-100 has conducted over 1780 deployment days for EMSA and operated across Europe, in Croatia, France, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Romania, Lithuania, Iceland, Germany and Belgium. Stationed either on land or on ships, the S-100 performs general night and day maritime surveillance, search and rescue operations and oil spill detection, as well as monitoring of sulphur content of ships’ emissions to ensure compliance with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) limits.

The CAMCOPTER S-100 can carry multiple payloads with a combined weight of up to 50 kg. Due to its unique and proven nature, and its ability to fly slowly and hover, it is ideally suited for maritime operations.

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